My Profile

Quickly access vital profile options with the Actions button. Edit your profile, adjust settings, or set new packages effortlessly. For additional customization, explore "More Settings." Get a comprehensive overview, including package and user details, in this centralized hub for streamlined admin management.

Edit Profile

To edit your profile, go to the Edit Profile section and update your information according to your preferences.

Number Attribute Description
1 Full Name Enter your complete name for accurate identification.
2 Username Choose a unique username for personalized account access.
3 Identity Input your identity details for comprehensive profile information.
4 Phone Provide your contact number for communication purposes.
5 Email Enter your email address for account correspondence.
6 Country Select your country of residence from the provided options.
7 Province Choose your province or state for precise location information.
8 City Select your city for accurate regional identification.
9 Address Input your current residential address.
10 Zip Code Specify the postal code associated with your location.
11 Date Of Birth Enter your birthdate for personalized interactions and age verification.
12 About Share a brief description about yourself for a personalized touch.