All Package

Add Package

To add a package, simply click on "Add Package" from the action dropdown menu.

Number Attribute Description
1 Status Activate or deactivate the package for current accessibility.
2 Auto Renew Enable automatic renewal for the package.
3 Allow Reseller Determine if the package can be offered by resellers.
4 Expiration Set an expiration date for the package.
5 Generate Invoice Choose whether invoices for the package are automatically generated.
6 Self Activation Enable self-activation for users subscribing to this package.
7 Carry Leftover Quota Allow users to carry over unused data or sessions to the next period.
8 Carry Leftover Sessions Specify if unused sessions can be carried over to the next period.
9 Custom Expiry Status Set a custom status for the user account upon package expiration.
10 Name Enter a unique name for the package for easy identification.
11 Description Provide additional details or notes about the package.
12 Invoice Description Include a description on the invoices for the package.
13 Service Type Specify the type of services included in the package.
14 Tax/Extra Fee Indicate any applicable taxes or extra fees for the package.
15 Duration Set the duration of the package.
16 Duration Type Choose the unit of measurement for the duration (e.g., days, months).
17 Fixed Expire Day Set a specific day for package expiration.
18 Fixed Expire Day Acct Specify a specific day for user account expiration.
19 Fixed Expire Time Set a fixed time for package and account expiration.
20 Policy Assign a policy to govern the package.
21 Allocation Allocate resources or quotas to users subscribing to this package.
22 Pool Assign the package to a specific pool of resources.
23 Next Expired Package Define the next package to be activated upon expiration.
24 Next Disabled Package Set the next package to be activated upon user account disablement.
25 Data Quota (GB) Specify the data quota allocated to users subscribing to this package.
26 Data Quota Over Set actions or notifications when the data quota is exceeded.
27 FUP Quota (GB) Define the Fair Usage Policy (FUP) quota for users in this package.
28 Session Quota (Min) Set the session quota in minutes for users in this package.
29 Session Quota Over Specify actions or notifications when the session quota is exceeded.
30 Session FUP Quota (Min) Set the Fair Usage Policy (FUP) quota for sessions in minutes.