Service Settings

In the subscriber's service settings, you can toggle the profile status on/off. Easily manage connection type, NAS, package, pool, and more.

Number Attribute Description
1 Profile Status Activate to enable profile; deactivate to disable.
2 SMS Status Turn on to allow SMS services; off to restrict.
3 Auto Mac Lock Switch on for automatic MAC address lock; off to disable.
4 Connection Type Choose the type of connection used for the service (e.g., broadband, DSL).
5 NAS Select the network access server (NAS) associated with the service.
6 Connection Password Set a password for the connection, ensuring secure access to the service.
7 Salesperson Assign the salesperson responsible for managing the service subscription.
8 Packages Select the internet service package subscribed to by the customer.
9 Expiration Date Specify the date when the service subscription will expire.
10 IP Pool Choose the IP address pool allocated for the service subscription.
11 IP Address Select the specific IP address assigned to the service subscription.
12 Total Volume (GB) Enter the total volume of data allowed for the service subscription, measured in gigabytes.
13 Used Volume (GB) Record the amount of data already consumed by the subscriber, measured in gigabytes.
14 Total Session (Min.) Input the total duration of allowed sessions for the service subscription, measured in minutes.
15 Used Session (Min.) Record the total duration of sessions already utilized by the subscriber, measured in minutes.
16 Discount Amount Type Specify the type of discount amount (e.g., percentage, fixed amount) applicable to the service subscription.
17 Discount Specify any discounts applicable to the service subscription.
18 Box/POP Number Enter the box or point of presence (POP) number associated with the service location.
19 Box/POP Address Provide the address of the box or point of presence (POP) for the service location.
20 MC/Swicth/ONU Board Specify the main control, switch, or optical network unit (ONU) board used for the service connection.
21 Electric Type/Socket Describe the type of electric socket or power connection required for the service equipment.
22 Cable Type Specify the type of cable used for the service connection.
23 Uplink Port Identify the uplink port used for connecting to the network.
24 Fiber Code/ID Enter the code or identification number associated with the fiber optic connection.
25 Fiber Color Specify the color code used to identify the fiber optic connection.