Profile Details


Edit Profile

To update a subscriber, simply click on the edit option in the Actions dropdown menu.

Number Attribute Description
1 Name Enter the full name of the subscriber for identification purposes.
2 Identity Provide identity details such as passport or driver's license information for comprehensive subscriber information.
3 Phone Enter the subscriber's contact number for communication purposes.
4 Email Input the subscriber's email address for correspondence and communication.
5 Connection Username Set a unique username for the subscriber's account access.
6 Connection Password Create a secure password following the specified criteria for the subscriber's account access.
7 Address Enter the subscriber's physical mailing address for location identification and correspondence.
8 Country Select the country where the subscriber is located.
9 Province Choose the province or state within the selected country.
10 City Select the city or municipality within the chosen province.
11 Area Choose the specific area or district within the selected city.
12 Subarea Select a subarea or neighborhood within the chosen area.
13 Department Choose the department or division relevant to the subscriber's location or service area.
14 Latitude Enter the latitude coordinates of the subscriber's location (if applicable).
15 Longitude Enter the longitude coordinates of the subscriber's location (if applicable).